What’s New at The Write Resume

We are very excited to introduce our updated and re-focused website, centered on helping job seekers land high-paying jobs in Investment Banking. We have been hard at work the last three months implementing our new strategy and look forward to providing the same great, personalized, and high-touch professional resume writing and career consulting service to […]
Holiday Party Horror Stories

Be safe and be smart this office holiday party season. Sharing an article below that you can think of as a warning of what not do during your company’s year-end celebration. Also our top 3 tips on how not to win the lampshade award the next day: 1. Drink conservatively. Having multiple rounds of cocktails […]
Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving (week) to all! In the spirit of this holiday, I found an article for you that highlights how an attitude of gratitude can help set your mind right for new opportunities, especially in hard times. I’ve always believed that simplicity and humility is the key to a happy life and a prosperous career. […]
Name Game: George Bush, Jennifer Lopez or TaVeicia?

How do you deal with a name that’s hard to pronounce? Add an audio recording to your LinkedIn profile. How do you handle the fact that you share a name with a famous public figure? Start using your middle initial. What do you do if you’re female and your name is Ryan? Time to showcase […]
Confessions from a Google Employee

Is working at Google as great as advertised? The author of this article interviewed an ex-Googler and found out a few things that might surprise you, most stemming from the sheer size of Google as a corporate giant. Office politics, poor middle management, and co-worker arrogance plague Google’s ranks just as much as any other […]
The One Word That Can Catapult Your Career

Thinking of the best word to describe yourself in your resume or interview? Read this article for suggestions on adjectives you may not have considered using before. Just in time to help you answer the “What is your greatest strength” and “How would your colleagues in the office describe you” questions that can trip you […]
15 Business Etiquette Rules Every Professional Needs To Know

15 useful tips on business etiquette – right in time for recruiting dinners, networking events, and company-sponsored events. This article highlights key takeaways from author Barbara Pachter’s new book “The Essentials Of Business Etiquette.” Click Here to Read the Full Article
How to Work with a Recruiter

Insightful article straight from a recruiter talking about the best way to be contacted by, work with, and take advantage of a professional headhunter. The author emphasizes the importance of keeping your LinkedIn profile up-to-date with all of your skills (computer, foreign language, etc.) listed in detail so your profile will show up on keyword […]
9 Ways to Beat Negativity

Tired of all the trolling? Nine tips on eliminating negativity in your life, which are all helpful unless you are a depressive by nature. Regardless of your outlook on life, the author offers a few good suggestions that you can implement immediately with the one that resonated most with me: stop complaining! Click Here to […]
How 3 New Supreme Court Decisions Will Affect Your Business

Interesting article about three Supreme Court decisions handed down recently that will impact businesses going forward: 1) a limit on “vicarious liability”(good for employers) 2) tighter standards for retaliation arguments (good for employers) and 3) the rejection of the Defense of Marriage Act (good for employees). Basically, the Supreme Court made it tougher for employees […]