Be safe and be smart this office holiday party season. Sharing an article below that you can think of as a warning of what not do during your company’s year-end celebration. Also our top 3 tips on how not to win the lampshade award the next day:
1. Drink conservatively. Having multiple rounds of cocktails over the course of a 3 or 4 hour party is certainly the norm and frankly, well-deserved, but consider mixing in as much water as possible in between to dilute the alcohol to keep your *ahem* more baser instincts at bay.
2. Make separate after-party plans. The temptation to keep the party going into the early morning hours will be harder to resist unless you have alternate plans. Many embarrassing moments between co-workers take place when the alcohol really hits and start to come faster and more furiously, especially on the VP’s dime. If you would rather avoid this, you can politely decline an invitation if you know that you have dinner with your significant other or something planned with you non-office buddies after the party is over.
3. Don’t take shots. If you are above the analyst/associate level, taking shots (of let’s say, patron) is a bit unbecoming. OK, if you’re a manager and it’s a team thing and you HAVE to do it, take ONE, ONE shot. But that’s it. Don’t go beyond that or it’s a slippery slope where one suddenly becomes three or four, your tie comes off and shirt buttons get unbuttoned. Juniors – if you’re going to do shots, don’t go overboard and peer-pressuring the entire organization to join in. Keep it tight with your closest work friends and colleagues.
4, Finally, for your perusal – the article with 10 unfortunate office party experiences from