Gearing Up for Fall Recruiting in a Post-Brexit, High Uncertainty World
It’s hardly unusual for prospective investment bankers to get a bit anxious or nervous during recruiting season. The uncertainty that comes with waiting to launch your career can cause a fair amount of trepidation — even under optimal employment conditions. And as anyone who follows the news can attest, global conditions are hardly optimal. Politics […]
The Top Talents/Skills that Make Finance Recruiters Take Notice
We all want to make ourselves as appealing as possible to hiring managers. Yet it’s not always easy to divine the formula for optimal attraction. We can, however, make some educated guesses. And one simple yet clever way to determine what interests finance recruiters is to track what they’re searching for in resume and CV databases. That’s the idea […]
Avoid These Career Crippling Job Interview Mistakes
Here’s the scenario: You’re preparing to interview for the job of your dreams. An hour or two later, you’re feeling confident. You’ve weathered the pressure and have nearly survived the crucible. Then it happens — you’re asked a question for which you’re entirely unprepared. You pause, then fumble for words. Your thoughts aren’t cohering. Your […]
Now is the Perfect Time to Start Your Wall Street Career – and Here’s Why…
The field is hypercompetitive. The hours are brutal. Stability and security are a pipe dream. Doesn’t exactly sound like the perfect job, does it? Yet while the downsides of a career on Wall Street are obvious to even the most starry-eyed dreamer, the potential payoff is like none other. Sure, the first few years may […]
Non-Target School? Here are the Top 10 Master of Finance Degree Programs to Win a Job in Investment Banking
The path into an entry level front office position at a large bulge bracket Investment Bank for a candidate without access to on-campus recruiting is a monumental challenge, there is no doubt about it. However, contrary to popular, media-driven myth, Wall Street’s ranks do not just consist of the trust fund crowd. There are many […]
Negotiation Strategies for a Successful Executive Relocation
Sharing the latest article I wrote for, on negotiation best practices for executives seeking relocation from their company: Recently, a colleague of mine who I will call “John” successfully negotiated a highly favorable executive relocation and compensation increase from his Fortune 100 technology and communication company who wanted him and his family to move […]
Harvard Grad: 10 Things I Wish I Knew About Investment Banking Recruiting My Freshman Year
“Martin D.” recently graduated from Harvard this spring and has so far been unsuccessful in landing a coveted investment banking job. Failing to understand the intense competition and “rules of the game” led to Martin being shut out through the recruiting season and post-graduation. Despite a stellar athletic career, a strong major, and Harvard on […]
How Investment Banking Helps Your Career
I chose to go into Investment Banking at the start of my junior year at Harvard. Admittedly, what attracted me the most to becoming an Investment Banking Analyst was the compensation. How many jobs offered almost 30% more than the average salary of someone straight out of college and let you work and play in […]
Name Game: George Bush, Jennifer Lopez or TaVeicia?
How do you deal with a name that’s hard to pronounce? Add an audio recording to your LinkedIn profile. How do you handle the fact that you share a name with a famous public figure? Start using your middle initial. What do you do if you’re female and your name is Ryan? Time to showcase […]
The One Word That Can Catapult Your Career
Thinking of the best word to describe yourself in your resume or interview? Read this article for suggestions on adjectives you may not have considered using before. Just in time to help you answer the “What is your greatest strength” and “How would your colleagues in the office describe you” questions that can trip you […]