5 Secrets to Learning New Skills Quickly

Five tips on how to develop new skills and talents. The author challenges the 10,000 hour rule and focuses on deconstructing skills to manageable “sub-skills” that you can master quickly and more easily over time. He may be slightly unrealistic though – how many of us out there can set aside 20 hours a week […]
How to Become Influential

Humility is the key to influencing others in addition to your belief in a particular product, cause, or idea. Key takeaway from this article for job seekers – a “candidate should never dismiss a receptionist as unimportant. The boss might consult this receptionist before making the hire. If so, the receptionist wields influence, and a […]
5 Job Search Tips to Always Keep In Mind

According this article from SimplyHired.com, competition for jobs is becoming exceedingly fierce and interviewers are increasingly looking for specific skills demonstrated in past experiences. Avoiding major blunders on your resume or interview only puts you at the same level as 99% of your peers and what will determine your suitability for a job is what […]
3 Things You Must Say at Every Job Interview

Providing concrete, fact-based, action-driven examples that clearly communicate how you will add tangible value to a prospective employer will increase your odds of receiving an offer. It will also help your resume get noticed faster as well if you just happened to write these same examples down. If you have trouble putting pen to paper, […]
Tips for Navigating a Mid-Life Career Change Successfully

A well-thought out article for mid-career professionals (15-20 years experience) contemplating a new path for themselves. Key takeaway is to set realistic goals and recognize that work does not necessarily equate to happiness. Self-awareness is critical to a painless transition to a new career in addition to a reliable network of friends, mentors, and colleagues […]
5 Strategies for Better Work-Life Balance

Calendar downtime, outsource your errands, get away from your home computer screen, and go for a run. One tip this author didn’t mention: use ALL of your vacation days. If you are on a team that discourages you from taking them you may want to re-evaluate where you are in life. Burnout is awful so […]
Dos and Donts After You Get a New Job

I posted a version of this list of do’s and don’ts when I started my last job in finance, and it helped me navigate the first few weeks in my new group and office. I highly recommend printing out and studying your new company’s organizational chart and slowly reaching out to everyone on there (especially […]
How Did Work Life Balance in the US get so Awful?

Interesting observations from The Atlantic pointing out that the increase in single working moms is putting tremendous stress on families, statistically speaking, and greater downtime for lower-income workers is a crisis. Moreover, if you are highly educated you are probably working the most and leisuring the least. The decline of American work-life balance is ultimately […]
Is Technology Making You Rude?

Hopefully not, but constant attachment to your smartphone at work isn’t a good idea, according to a study referenced in this article. It also won’t help you get promoted. Preferring to meet your boss face to face instead of over IM and putting your iPhone or Blackberry away in meetings are small steps toward a […]
How to Make Friends at Work

Making friends at work is no different than making friends in elementary school. Being a kind, helpful, patient, and unselfish listener will win you many loyal friends in the workplace who can be there for you when you need them, especially when looking to change jobs. Click Here to Read the Full Article